How Innovation Has Changed Our Life?

In pre-industrial society, people engaged in agriculture use muscle power to produce a unit output, while Industrial Revolution innovations have resulted in the transition from muscle power to mechanical power. With the entrance of new technological innovations into the life, old production means have been replaced by new production means. As a result of the Industrial Revolution, people have turned to manufacture from agriculture.

With the innovations resulting from the Industrial Revolution, there has been an increase in productivity. While the working areas in pre-industrial society lost importance, there has been created new and better working areas. New employment opportunities provided people new working areas so that both employed workforce and the quality of life has increased.

Where Are We Heading To?

New technologies invented in Industry 1.0 and Industry 2.0 were creating new business areas. As people began to work in better jobs, the machines were doing simple things people used to do. New industries emerging with the automation of production do not create as many new business fields as old times. The structure of the machines has also changed with the developing technology.

As robots become increasingly dominant actors in production areas, it is certain that they will take people's place in some business spaces. In a near future, there will be no need for cashier, teller, people who work in a burger store without any skill. The number of job creation must be more than the number of jobs lost by the automation. Otherwise, the supply won't be meet to the demand. Because it won't provided employment opportunities for the rapid population growths, which in turn will inevitably lead to crisis.
